[C#] Array รูปแบบต่างๆ


namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void buttonArray1D_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /* ----- Example of Array 1D ----- */
            int[] a = new int[6] { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 };

            string strOut = "";
            int i = 0;
            foreach (int temp in a)
                strOut += temp.ToString() + "\n";
            strOut += "Length = " + (a.GetLength(0)).ToString();
            MessageBox.Show(strOut, "Array 1D");

        private void buttonArray2DDefine_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /* ----- Example of Array 2D แบบกำหนดค่า ----- */
            int[,]  b = new int[3, 2]    {  {1,2}, 
                                            {4,5}   };
            string strOut = "";

            for (int i = b.GetLowerBound(0); i <= b.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                for (int j = b.GetLowerBound(1); j <= b.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
                    strOut += "[" + i.ToString() + "," + j.ToString() + "] = " + b[i, j].ToString() + "     ";
                strOut += "\n";
            MessageBox.Show(strOut, "Array 2D Define");

        private void buttonArray2DRandom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /* ----- Example of Array 2D แบบ Random ค่า ----- */
            int[,] b = new int[4, 3]; 
            Random rnum = new Random();
            string strOut = "";
            for (int i = b.GetLowerBound(0); i <= b.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                for (int j = b.GetLowerBound(1); j <= b.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
                    b[i, j] = rnum.Next(10);
                    strOut += "["+i.ToString()+","+j.ToString()+"] = "+b[i,j].ToString()+"     "; 
                strOut += "\n";
            MessageBox.Show(strOut, "Array 2D Random");

        private void buttonArray3D_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /* ----- Example of Array 3D ----- */

            int[, ,] c = new int[2, 2, 2] {  {  {1, 2}, {3, 4}  },
                                             {  {5, 6}, {7, 8}  }  };
            string strOut = "";
            for (int i = c.GetLowerBound(0); i <= c.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                for (int j = c.GetLowerBound(1); j <= c.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
                    for (int k = c.GetLowerBound(2); k <= c.GetUpperBound(2); k++)
                        strOut += "[" + i.ToString() + "," + j.ToString() + "," + k.ToString() + "] = " + c[i, j, k].ToString() + "     ";
                strOut += "\n";
            MessageBox.Show(strOut, "Array 3D");

        private void buttonArrayJag_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int[][] jg = new int[2][];

            jg[0] = new int[4] { 4, 2, 1, 7 };
            jg[1] = new int[3];

            // กำหนดค่า random ให้ jg[1]
            Random r = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < jg[1].Length; i++)
                jg[1][i] = r.Next(10);

            string strOut = "";
            int n = 0;
            foreach (int j in jg[0])
                strOut += "สมาชิกของ jg [0][" + n.ToString() + "] = " + j.ToString() + "\n";
            MessageBox.Show(strOut, "Jag Array สมาชิกตัวที่ 1");

            strOut = "";
            for (int j = jg[1].GetLowerBound(0); j <= jg[1].GetUpperBound(0); j++)
                strOut += "สมาชิกของ jg [1][" + j.ToString() + "] = " + j.ToString() + jg[1][j].ToString() + "\n";
            MessageBox.Show(strOut, "Jag Array สมาชิกตัวที่ 2");
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